When you look at your budget, the easiest way to cut down on your budget is my controlling your guest count. Most couples struggle with who they should and shouldn't invite, and they can't seem to find a good place to draw the line. Do you invite your entire office? Your Mom's sister's best friend? Your babysitter's family? Once you look at your bottom line, making the guest count manageable becomes a big priority.
The guest count controls the amount of food, wait staff, seating and rentals that you will need for your wedding. These factors all bring up the cost very quickly, so we came up with a few ways you can make your guest list a bit more manageable:
-For quicker responses from guests, include postage for RSVPs. They are more likely to throw it back in the mail if it doesn't require any extra effort from them. Anything that makes it easier for them to respond is a must.
-If you have guests you are unsure about inviting, wait until you get some responses from guests who are unable to attend. Once you have a base count, you will have a better idea of how many of your "possible extra" guests you can invite. Phasing your invitations is smart and it allows you to send a second round.
-If you are trying to keep a small guest count, do not include an option on RSVP cards for additional guests. Make sure that the invitation doesn't infer that people can bring a date. If it is for a family, just be sure to address the envelope to the family, or the individual it is intended for, and keep a count of how many people were invited.
-If your RSVP date has passed, simply call your guests to see if they will be able to attend. It is a little extra effort, but it is always better to be safe than sorry. You don't want to end up paying for guests that will not be there. If your going to pay the price, you might as well have someone else in their spot.
There are always easy excuses for not inviting guests, such as budget and venue constraints, and most of the time, that is an issue anyway! It’s your wedding and you need to enjoy your company, so don’t feel obligated to invite anyone you don't want It should be a memorable day with your best friends and family! Happy planning!