Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pulling Off An Appropriate First Kiss

The best thing about the ceremony.......the kiss!! How do you pull off an appropriate ceremony kiss without coming across as a total makeout session? Here's a couple of hints:
~Make eye contact with EACH other only (even a glimpse out of the corner of your eye towards your friends can change the dynamic of the moment)
~Lean in for contact
~Try not to let your guests know exactly how much tongue is involved (obviously!)
~Don't make the kiss so short your guests might wonder if you're really attracted to each other, but don't make it so long guests have the opportunity to skip out on you without you noticing (studies show roughly 4 seconds is the average)
~Slowly pull apart
~Smile & keep your eyes fixated on each other while you are announced to the crowd as Mr & Mrs.
~Turn toward your audience
~Strut all the way to the reception!

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